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Galerijos » Sovietų plakatai » Reklaminiai plakatai » plakatai.my1.ru_sovietu_reklaminis_plakatas_12
Pažiūrėjo: 2307 | Matmenys: 400x559px (98.2 Kb) | Reitingas: 0.0/0

Всего комментариев: 1
1 Mariana  
Thanks for sharing, Linda Why cdouln’t everyone just believe her? Tough question. Very tough question.Those who are outside the situation seem to have a better view, but it's kinda hard to hear them when you know they're all wrong On a serious note, it's hard to see reality sometimes. We tell ourselves what we want to hear because it makes us feel better. Praying her Damascus experience will not be as painful as Paul's.Very intriguing writing, Linda. I just came out of an AARGHH!!! meeting feeling like I wanted to run away. I'm glad I found your note. I still have to get my report done, but you took my mind off that for all of fifteen minutes. Yay you!BlessingsannAnn recently posted..

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